Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo


Who polarizes parliament? Partisan hostility in Norwegian legislative debates

Party-Interest Group Ties and Patterns of Influence

Mellom korporatisme og lobbyisme: Norske interesseorganisasjoners tilgang til politiske beslutningsprosesser

Introducing the party-interest group relationships in contemporary democracies datasets

When do political parties listen to interest groups?

Party goals and interest group influence on parties

All about the money? A cross-national study of parties’ relations with trade unions in 12 western democracies

Explaining Participation Bias in the European Commission’s Online Consultations

State Governance or Local Agency? Determining Refugee Settlement in Norwegian Municipalities


Interest Group Influence on Political Parties in Western Democracies


Norwegian political parties reuse interest group language in their policies

Explaining participation bias in EU online consultations